District 4-C5
Lions Special Kids Day
May 17, 2025

"A day of food, fun, and friendship"
Free event for all families with a special needs child
Who are Lions?
Become A Lion
District 4C-5 Lions has a variety of local clubs. For a club near you visit today!

International Lions Clubs
Whenever a Lions club gets together, problems get smaller. And communities get better. That's because we help where help is needed – in our own communities and around the world – with unmatched integrity and energy.
Our 46,000 clubs and 1.4+ million members make us the world's largest service club organization. We're also one of the most effective. Our members do whatever is needed to help their local communities. Everywhere we work, we make friends. With children who need eyeglasses, with seniors who don’t have enough to eat and with people we may never meet. 100% of fundraising efforts go back into local communities or towards international disasters.
For more information, visit
District 4C-5 Lions
It all started on July 1, 1958, when District 4-C5 was formed. Our District originally was part of 4-A, then became District 4-C1, and finally 4-C5 This all happened in one year due to the geographic size and number of Clubs involved.
Our membership numbers are 55 clubs and approximaely 1,500 members. We continue to focus on increasing our membership and retaining our members. We are continually working to develop new clubs to meet community service needs of our growing communities. District 4-C5 encompasses the counties of Placer, Nevada, Sacramento, El Dorado, Sierra, and Yolo.
It is divided into four Regions: Donner, Dos Rios, Sacramento and Washoe. The clubs in our district are divided, geographically, into 13 Zones. Three or four Zones make up a Region. Our District Governor visits each club during the year, bringing information to the club from the District, the Multiple District and Lions Clubs International and thanking them for all the community service.
Since 1993, we have elected Vice District Governors and in 2009 our district now has an elected 1st Vice District Governor and a 2nd Vice District Governor, both learning and planning for their service year while supporting the programs of the District Governor. Some of the projects that are supported by the District are:
City of Hope
The Hearing Foundation
Folsom Project for the Visually Impaired
Lions Education Foundation
Lions in Sight
Lions Project for Canine Companions, Inc.
Youth Outreach
Wilderness Camp for Deaf Children
Lions International Peace Poster Contest
Youth Exchange
Northern California Lions Sight Association
MD 4 Student Speaker Contest
Volunteers of Vacaville
White Cane Days.
Each club also has its local charities and projects that they donate to, along with being encouraged to support the district and International projects.
We are proud to have in our district Past International President Kay K. Fukushima from Senator Lions Club, International Director Bob Smith from Embarcardo Lions, and our District has had four Council Chairman (elected to lead the 15 Governors from California (Multiple District 4).